
[饗響公共論壇12期]〈台灣年輕人的「其他選項」?〉◎Kowloon Annie

[饗響公共論壇12期] 讀者回響

◎Kowloon Annie

I think it is obvious that Taiwan is no match for China's economic might, however, what options do we have to make Taiwan more independent economically?   Focusing on anti-China policy or anti ECFA maybe a quick solution but to little avail.   There are already too many thoughts and ideas explaining the consequence of "China impact", yet I haven't read or heard much about the "other option".   I would like to know what other options do young Taiwanese have?  five years, ten years, or twenty years from now?  What vision do we have for future generation? 

Recently I had a conversation with a Taiwanese maker, and he expressed his concern for future of Taiwan.  He does not want to see Taiwan follow Philippines' footsteps.  I am always fascinated by Israel.  A small country striving among mortal enemies neighbours.  Comparing with Israel, Taiwan is in a much better position.  What can we learn from the Jews?

If I am in charge of Taiwan, I will start a think tank and study everything there is to learn about Israel.  Hopefully, in twenty years, Taiwan can become a force to be reckoned with, and not just a Chinese Taipei.



